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Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 8:15 am
by Merkin
Tried posting over at TOS bumping GlobalCat's Alexa rankings. 10 minutes later the post is still "working". Looks like Storey has began the process to pull the plug.

Anyway, Alexa ratings for goazcats is just brutal. Already down 350K, in a week or so should be in the penny stock category.


Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 8:27 am
by azgreg
Is there a way to see where it was a month ago?

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:25 am
by NYCat
azgreg wrote:Is there a way to see where it was a month ago?
No unless you want to pay for their service, this site should use Google analytics BTW.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:37 am
by Harvey Specter
To some extent, I can understand Storey's opinion and reactions regarding people bitching about the free boards. That said, he never should have made them public. I am quite sure he was never going to get rich with that site, but if he wasn't even breaking even or making a little bit - not sure why he should be expected to continue on with it. And the degree to which people bitched about a service that was free seemed completely over the top.

For the past couple years, I was a "freeloader" too... but for the decade preceding it I was a happy "paying customer/ premium subscriber" - hell I even donated money when the GoAzCats site started and before they joined Rivals and the "fee for service" model . When the staff bolted for Scout, that place was a ghost town - and premium content was non-existent for SEVERAL months. It pissed me off to no end that he did not even make an attempt to "make things right" to those that had annual subscriptions pre-paid in advance and got nothing in return. And as people bitched about it there was nothing but "'crickets".

Storey can look in the mirror for his low premium subscriptions - for a guy who seems to fancy himself as some sort of wizard entrepreneur I am not impressed. I am sure Tracey and Matt tried hard and may have done a good job, but I was done paying any money for subscription premiums on principle alone.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:47 am
by Chicat
Harvey Specter wrote:And the degree to which people bitched about a service that was free seemed completely over the top.
I think you have to take it within the context of other things outside of the free site. I may have complained about it, even though it was free, but usually my arguments were couched in terms of "If you really want us to sign up for premium you'll stop.... or start...." One of those things was for Storey (or MAO) to follow through on promises that got people to sign up for premium. I was told that if I signed up again certain things would happen on the free boards, including giving mods more power to admit new members and to ban trolls/spammers. Not only did that not happen, but even the $99 in Cats merchandise I was given as a bonus for signing up didn't work and no one would answer my requests for help with the issue.

Also, I was a oftentimes used by Storey in order to convey things to the board that he was unwilling to. That's obviously on me, but after a while I got tired of him reaching out to me to ask if I would defend him on the boards against certain things (what happened with Ben, the Cactus Classic, the lack of premium info when Gershon, Scheer, & co. left). It was like he kept thinking, "Oh crap, people are pissed. Let me give Justin a call to see if I can get him to smooth things over." I thought we were friends (or at least friendly) but in reality we were not and so being treated like a free-loading douchebag whenever I did have a legit complaint about the free boards made me first stop being a moderator, and then later cancel my premium subscription. Now apparently I'm an enemy of the state. Which is weird because I can't tell you how often he told me what a valuable member of the community I was, especially when everyone was heading over to Scout. I guess I just wasn't that useful any more...

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:52 am
by CalStateTempe
MAO sounds like a good communist apparatchik

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:57 am
by Longhorned
Chicat wrote:
Harvey Specter wrote:And the degree to which people bitched about a service that was free seemed completely over the top.
I think you have to take it within the context of other things outside of the free site. I may have complained about it, even though it was free, but usually my arguments were couched in terms of "If you really want us to sign up for premium you'll stop.... or start...." One of those things was for Storey (or MAO) to follow through on promises that got people to sign up for premium. I was told that if I signed up again certain things would happen on the free boards, including giving mods more power to admit new members and to ban trolls/spammers. Not only did that not happen, but even the $99 in Cats merchandise I was given as a bonus for signing up didn't work and no one would answer my requests for help with the issue.

Also, I was a oftentimes used by Storey in order to convey things to the board that he was unwilling to. That's obviously on me, but after a while I got tired of him reaching out to me to ask if I would defend him on the boards against certain things (what happened with Ben, the Cactus Classic, the lack of premium info when Gershon, Scheer, & co. left). It was like he kept thinking, "Oh crap, people are pissed. Let me give Justin a call to see if I can get him to smooth things over." I thought we were friends (or at least friendly) but in reality we were not and so being treated like a free-loading douchebag whenever I did have a legit complaint about the free boards made me first stop being a moderator, and then later cancel my premium subscription. Now apparently I'm an enemy of the state. Which is weird because I can't tell you how often he told me what a valuable member of the community I was, especially when everyone was heading over to Scout. I guess I just wasn't that useful any more...
Very interesting. And very telling. Basically, you know that he was behind the site even after the university received assurances that he wasn't involved with it anymore?

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:17 am
by Chicat

He was supposed to transfer everything over to Gershon but then went back on the deal and kept the site for himself. And Josh was made a lot of promises as far as greater autonomy and full-time jobs for Scheer and others that went away when Storey reneged on that deal. That was part of the reason why Josh and Jason and Inna were so willing to go over to Scout/Fox. There the promises they were made actually happened.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:21 am
by Longhorned
Chicat wrote:Yes

He was supposed to transfer everything over to Gershon but then went back on the deal and kept the site for himself. And Josh was made a lot of promises as far as greater autonomy and full-time jobs for Scheer and others that went away when Storey reneged on that deal. That was part of the reason why Josh and Jason and Inna were so willing to go over to Scout/Fox. There the promises they were made actually happened.
Oh, okay. And so it's in that context that we can look at Storey's admonishment of people like me with a premium membership at Scout.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:39 am
by FreeSpiritCat
A lot of enlightening information here. Ben told me that Jim hit on his fiance. This was when Ben was at PGU. I was skeptical but believe it now.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:40 am
by Chicat
It's pretty telling that MAO has animosity toward anyone who would want to better themselves (get a better job or a full-time job) or toward people who want to purchase the best product for their money. His ideas on loyalty are . . . interesting.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:46 am
by JMarkJohns
I don't want to hear our requests were unreasonable. They weren't.

I requested:

1. For a few voted in mods to be voted in and gain admin powers so:
- We could tend to new member registration - which they failed at
- We could have present, not absentee admin - which they failed at
- We could have power to deal with trolls - which they failed at
- We could have numbers to stamp out spam attacks - which they were only OK at
- We could implement features, improvements - which they failed at

2. Hand in hand with last point, For a "Contributors" feature so:
- We could fund they site - which they hated
- We could master upgrades/add-ons - which they failed at
- We could ensure longterm viability - which they de-prioritized
- We could help maintain/build community - which they undercut with easy way outs

It would have rid a problem for them, since they didn't care to put time, effort, money into the board. It would have rid problems of absentee admin, since we cared enough to put time, effort, money. It was a win/win, but Admin would rather risk failure to have the threat over our head to extort uninterested premiums from free-loading free boarders than let us help them re-vitalize the community and build a membership base who subscribes because they love the site.

All of this was reasonable. All of this was practical. All of this was doable.

Admin simply didn't give a shit.

From 2007-2010 that site was a beacon, because Josh was active, caring admin, and Jason and a few other writers actively posted, teased, and even made free content. People joked "Get Premium" but most everyone of the active members had it. We as free boarders were free advertising to a growing membership pool, a change that found forum traffic bringing about increased ad revenue.

Josh, Jason, crew left shortly into 2011, and it's been the 100% inverse of its glory days.

This doom is written upon the brow of admin. They hastened the fall.

If anything, we free loaders were the life support for that site.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:55 am
by Merkin
Catintheheat wrote:A lot of enlightening information here. Ben told me that Jim hit on his fiance. This was when Ben was at PGA. I was skeptical but believe it now.

Ben also told me some stuff about some financial aspects of Goazcats that Storey did but Ben did not appreciate and therefore Ben bailed to PGU. I don't remember the details. I wonder if I still have that PM from my days at PGU?

By the way as Cith knows, the original days of PGU was not the current Ace version of PGU. It was run by some other guy who ran it out of his garage. But his wife objected to him paying Ben $100 for his articles so Ben got out of the online forum business. Later that guy transferred ownership to Ace but I wasn't part of that group then. When Ben bailed on PGU so did I.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:11 am
by gumby
Interesting Storey on the Cactus Classic, Chicat.

Sucks that you jumped on a grenade for him and he didn't reciprocate. Wonder if he ever made money Hoovering up domain names based on player names. The explanation that he was just doing them a favor by "preserving" them was always shaky to me.

Always made me nervous that he was going to commit some violation that would cost the program.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:16 am
by Chicat
gumby wrote:Interesting Storey on the Cactus Classic, Chicat.

Sucks that you jumped on a grenade for him and he didn't reciprocate. Wonder if he ever made money Hoovering up domain names based on player names. The explanation that he was just doing them a favor by "preserving" them was always shaky to me.

Always made me nervous that he was going to commit some violation that would cost the program.
I always viewed it through the lens of jumping on a grenade for the good of the community. After Ben was let go and the Cactus Classic thing went down, I didn't want to see the community break apart because people thought that Storey was at the heart of the negative things that were going on. Then I endured a 2 hour long phone call after the Scout thing went down where Storey said all kinds of things about Josh and Jason, people I truly consider friends, and I began to sour on the whole thing. But I still wanted the GoAZCats community to continue and thrive so I kept up mod duties and my premium subscription. Now it all seems like a waste of time and money. Had I known then that the community is a living breathing thing and not just a landing spot on the world wide web, I would have disassociated myself much earlier and let the chips fall where they may.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:18 am
by pokinmik
JMarkJohns wrote:If anything, we free loaders were the life support for that site.
We really were. The other site is a ghost town now. I don't see how it stays afloat.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:24 am
by Bear Down Vegas
After reading all of this I just erased my bookmark for TOS. They'll never see another click from me.

Funny how things that seem really shitty can turn around to be awesome as well as something that is for the best in such a short amount of time.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:32 am
What an incredible background---thanks, Chi! His treatment of you, Jason and Ben----good grief!

By the way, Gumby's picture is dorky.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:36 am
by gumby
EOCT wrote:What an incredible background---thanks, Chi! His treatment of you, Jason and Ben----good grief!

By the way, Gumby's picture is dorky.

Just because you need "Avatars of Dummies" doesn't mean you should lash out at me.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:36 am
by Longhorned
EOCT, couldn't be gladder to see you, man!

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:39 am
by Longhorned
By the way, are you the same gumby that used to be over at Goazcats? Or was that another tall, green Jew?

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:51 am
by gumby
I'm a goy toy.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 12:09 pm
by catgrad97
Chicat wrote:
gumby wrote:Interesting Storey on the Cactus Classic, Chicat.

Sucks that you jumped on a grenade for him and he didn't reciprocate. Wonder if he ever made money Hoovering up domain names based on player names. The explanation that he was just doing them a favor by "preserving" them was always shaky to me.

Always made me nervous that he was going to commit some violation that would cost the program.
I always viewed it through the lens of jumping on a grenade for the good of the community. After Ben was let go and the Cactus Classic thing went down, I didn't want to see the community break apart because people thought that Storey was at the heart of the negative things that were going on. Then I endured a 2 hour long phone call after the Scout thing went down where Storey said all kinds of things about Josh and Jason, people I truly consider friends, and I began to sour on the whole thing. But I still wanted the GoAZCats community to continue and thrive so I kept up mod duties and my premium subscription. Now it all seems like a waste of time and money. Had I known then that the community is a living breathing thing and not just a landing spot on the world wide web, I would have disassociated myself much earlier and let the chips fall where they may.
This cements what happened with Storey and I the year I helped him out driving the New York Gauchos and Brandon Jennings' AAU team all over Tucson at the Cactus Classic. (BTW, Pastner, Simon, KO and Lute lurked around their offices that whole 2007 weekend, with Josh literally the last one out of the building with me and Storey on Sunday night. Josh and Miles peeked around the corner of the hallway in front of the offices watching recruits for hours. You think they weren't worried about what Storey had arranged?)

I think I can share the PMs now. Yeah, I was pretty damn naive then when I shouldn't have been. Trying to be classy, but parts of it I look back on and wonder if I was just on too much of a contact high from being that close to the program to think clearly.
catgrad97 wrote:Jim, did you get this PM?
I sent it weekend before last.

Please respond when you can. Thanks much!
catgrad97 wrote:So when's the official announcement naming you Arizona basketball head recruiting coordinator?

Man, Jim, what a weekend the Cactus Classic turned out to be. I don't know about you, but frankly for me it was the most fun I've had all year.

Not just for the basketball, but moreso for the PEOPLE I got to work with. Real professionals, like you, your dad, Fred, Monica and Alexandra.

The whole experience was enormously refreshing--and frankly a cut above most game and tournament management. Things haven't "clicked" like that seemingly since I coordinated the message boards at Sancet and McKale for facilities mgmt. in '97. If I could do weekends like that for a living, it would NEVER feel like work!

Plus, there is SO much room for growth it's ridiculous. There is a great deal more that can be done to put the Classic and GOAZCATS out as the best recruiting tool Arizona has.

And to know that the whole experience swung Brandon Jennings to commit is the REAL feather in your cap! Congratulations--it was ALL worth it, and next year I want to help make sure that at least 5000 fans realize that too.

Hopefully, you've had a chance to recover. What's next on your agenda now that the summer's under way? Still going to Peach Jam?

I'll be in and out of town, finishing some coursework at Pima and working a summer job (somewhere--still not sure where yet) before setting up my new teaching position for the fall.

Again, my heartiest congratulations and highest hopes to work with you, Dave, Fred, Monica and Alexandra in the very near future. You've got someone else you can count on now!

Talk to you soon...keep in touch.
BTW, Monica is Monica Armenta, Lute's secretary who would be dead within two years of a brain tumor. RIP Monica. Alexandra was her assistant. Don't remember who Fred was, though IIRC he might have been the one who bought Eegee's and pizza to serve to the players in Eddie Lynch Pavilion.

Storey never did respond, even though he promised some sort of vague "compensation" for my efforts and I referred a player at Desert View to him. Gershon, who was still working for the site then, told me at McKale a month later, "I'm sure he's just busy."

Then, out of the blue, THREE-AND-A-HALF YEARS later:
Jim Storey wrote:Just so you know...

i know you are upset with me for not getting back to you and I can understand that and do apologize. you worked your tail off at the cactus classic and i will always remember that. i am not taking the time to reach out to anyone else but can tell you that me being involved, though i am not any longer, is not an ncaa violation of any kind.

like i said, i know you are angry with me and you have every right to be... i apologize again. just know that there is a lot of bad information out there.

i hope you are well.

I didn't respond. Really? No explanation? I didn't understand at the time that Storey doesn't give explanations.

Another six months later: wrote:Mod proud tradition?
Would you be interested in being a moderator for PT?

Reduce spam, mod, but do not abuse power?
That, I was interested in responding to.
catgrad97 wrote:Absolutely, I would. What information do I need to submit? wrote:You are all set. Thanks for helping keep the PT the best AZ basketball forum online. If there is anything that you need or have any questions please let us know.

Main thing, make sure to delete spam, enforce the rules, and keep people from killing each other. However, please do not abuse your moderator power, as that is equally a problem.

Thanks again for your participation and for being on for as long as you have been.
I've held onto these for a long time, but the truth needs to be out there. That weekend, I thought, was the whole reason I moved to Tucson in the first place. I wanted to help the program like I had in college, in any little way I could. Instead I ended up just being used because nobody else was around to drive Book or Kemba Walker to the airport or pick up Brandon Jennings from his hotel.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 12:26 pm
gumby wrote:
EOCT wrote:What an incredible background---thanks, Chi! His treatment of you, Jason and Ben----good grief!

By the way, Gumby's picture is dorky.

Just because you need "Avatars of Dummies" doesn't mean you should lash out at me.

Agree. Now if I could only locate 'Avatars of Dummies' I'd snatch it up. I'm challenged as you know---I have no idea how to find and drag an avatar for myself, and of course I can't get to my JT pic over at that unnamed place. Think I'll just go un-pic'd and make it easier to skulk, Gary.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 12:41 pm
by Merkin
Just some amazing stuff coming from Chi and CG97.


Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 1:13 pm
by salim'sheadband
Wow guys.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 1:43 pm
by gumby
EOCT wrote:
gumby wrote:
EOCT wrote:What an incredible background---thanks, Chi! His treatment of you, Jason and Ben----good grief!

By the way, Gumby's picture is dorky.

Just because you need "Avatars of Dummies" doesn't mean you should lash out at me.

Agree. Now if I could only locate 'Avatars of Dummies' I'd snatch it up. I'm challenged as you know---I have no idea how to find and drag an avatar for myself, and of course I can't get to my JT pic over at that unnamed place. Think I'll just go un-pic'd and make it easier to skulk, Gary.

Hey, quit using what may or may not be my real name, Don!

I'm feeling charitable: Go to "Google" images. Google is this search engine that appears to have a promising future. Anyway, find the photo you like. You know, some old dude playing beach volleyball (preferably with shirt on). Right click. Save image to desktop. Then click on your username (for instance, EOCT), then User Control Panel. Select Profile. Select Avatar. Where it says Browse, click. Find the image you downloaded to the desktop. Hit submit.

If it's too big, then, well, that's an upper division course.

Tip: You will need a computer.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 1:50 pm
by Longhorned

Here's the upper division course, which involves cheating:

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 1:52 pm
by Merkin
Advanced course:

After downloading an image to your desktop, use, and click on 150x150.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:00 pm
by Longhorned
merkin wrote:Advanced course:

After downloading an image to your desktop, use, and click on 150x150.
Hey, that's cheating, too. He should take scissors to his laptop screen like a real man.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:04 pm
by Merkin
Can everyone go 150x150 now since UADevil upped it from 120x120?

I know I huge head in real life (I do) but having my avatar so much bigger just rubs it in.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:06 pm
by azgreg
It's still weird having the avatars on the right side.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:08 pm
by Salty
azgreg wrote:It's still weird having the avatars on the right side.
I don't like it one bit.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:12 pm
by Daryl Zero
salim'sheadband wrote:Wow guys.
Wow and wow.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:14 pm
by Salty
salim'sheadband wrote:Wow guys.
Join or die.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:16 pm
by mytwocents

I'll say this...for the most part I went to TOS for the users so if the ones I like aren't there, neither am I.

That being said, however I can help, let me know. Obviously someone is currently hosting this site but if needed, I can host too. Also, I can make a logo and stuff, cause you know....that's obv the most important thing...

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:18 pm
by Chicat
Hi Lauren!

It's like we're getting the band back together. This is great... :)

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:18 pm
by Daryl Zero
mytwocents wrote:Sooo....

I'll say this...for the most part I went to TOS for the users so if the ones I like aren't there, neither am I.

That being said, however I can help, let me know. Obviously someone is currently hosting this site but if needed, I can host too. Also, I can make a logo and stuff, cause you know....that's obv the most important thing...
Thanks and great that you found your way over here. Always nice to have a female perspective.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:18 pm
by wyo-cat
mytwocents wrote:Sooo....

I'll say this...for the most part I went to TOS for the users so if the ones I like aren't there, neither am I.

That being said, however I can help, let me know. Obviously someone is currently hosting this site but if needed, I can host too. Also, I can make a logo and stuff, cause you know....that's obv the most important thing...
Someone might have mentioned that you could help us with some of this inerwebz stuff. Welcome Aboard!!

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:19 pm
mytwocents wrote:Sooo....

I'll say this...for the most part I went to TOS for the users so if the ones I like aren't there, neither am I.

That being said, however I can help, let me know. Obviously someone is currently hosting this site but if needed, I can host too. Also, I can make a logo and stuff, cause you know....that's obv the most important thing...
yea nearly everyone is here now (minus winger, 97cats, uadirect, therealdill, taylor and a couple others i'm forgetting)

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:22 pm
by wyo-cat
merkin wrote:Advanced course:

After downloading an image to your desktop, use, and click on 150x150.
That's the bomb diggity - I got a new spork!

It's better than resizing images in photoshop, no resampling of the pixels and processing time.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:24 pm
by Daryl Zero
merkin wrote:Advanced course:

After downloading an image to your desktop, use, and click on 150x150.
Thanks. I got my wiseass avatar back.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:34 pm
by Longhorned
Longhorned wrote:
merkin wrote:Advanced course:

After downloading an image to your desktop, use, and click on 150x150.
Hey, that's cheating, too. He should take scissors to his laptop screen like a real man.
Why didn't I get more rep for this?

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:36 pm
by Jefe
Anyone talked with Jon(97cats)?

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:37 pm
by azgreg
Jefe wrote:Anyone talked with Jon(97cats)?
He mentioned the other day he had little interest in coming over here.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:48 pm
by Jefe
azgreg wrote:He mentioned the other day he had little interest in coming over here.
Shouldn't that be a top priority?

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 3:07 pm
by Chicat
Jefe wrote:
azgreg wrote:He mentioned the other day he had little interest in coming over here.
Shouldn't that be a top priority?
If we build it, he will come.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 3:23 pm
by Salty
azgreg wrote:
Jefe wrote:Anyone talked with Jon(97cats)?
He mentioned the other day he had little interest in coming over here.
If we set up a dinner at Bear Flag and lay out our plans, we can convince him to join the rebellion.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 3:40 pm
by Daryl Zero
Longhorned wrote:
Longhorned wrote:
merkin wrote:Advanced course:

After downloading an image to your desktop, use, and click on 150x150.
Hey, that's cheating, too. He should take scissors to his laptop screen like a real man.
Why didn't I get more rep for this?
Your rep is in a vault in a bank in the Cayman Islands.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 4:09 pm
by BearDown89
wyo-cat wrote:
merkin wrote:Advanced course:

After downloading an image to your desktop, use, and click on 150x150.
That's the bomb diggity - I got a new spork!

It's better than resizing images in photoshop, no resampling of the pixels and processing time.
Aw man, I miss "PBR me" always liked that one.