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Kansas City

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 8:35 pm
by CBCat
I’m traveling from Los Angeles to KC for the KC/Denver game end of October. Meeting my in laws who are coming from NM. Big KC fans due to living there back in their young years.
Anyway, Arriwhead seems like it will be fun.

Can Anyine help me out with some decent hotel recommendations and BBQ Recs

I really appreciate it. I’ve never come close to spending any time in KC. I’d love to have some great suggestions
We are literally just there for the weekend specifically to experience Arriwhead but are fooodued etc

Thank you fellow alumni

Re: Kansas City

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 3:39 am
by Chicat
Aurthur Bryant’s for BBQ. Get the burnt ends if they have any left.