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TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:36 am
by Longhorned
I'm putting this thread here because this discussion's importance merits it. And this is a separate question from our "Forum" thread, which I think is about our forum.

Can somebody please articulate why we should be invested in the free boards at TOS, rather than investing in this new site? There should be pluses and minuses for us to consider.

In my mind, the minuses of returning are pretty clear, and the only pluses I can come up with are the tradition of the old board and its archived content. Those are some pretty big pluses. But they're hard to reconcile with the heavy hand of whoever is running that site, who appears to be concealing his identity, and who appears to be lying to us, and who threatens to eliminate those boards in any case.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:47 am
by azgreg
The archived content is one thing, but to me the free boards were about the posters and not the admin.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:48 am
by Merkin
I have no intention of going back.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:48 am
by biggles
I give up... what does TOS stand for?

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:50 am
by Dosia
the other site

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:55 am
by biggles
Makes sense. Saw it used on the other site, but it seemed like there could be several potential meanings there.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:04 am
by Merkin
Dosia wrote:the other site
It does, but in another post LH modified it slightly to refer to "The Old Site".

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:07 am
by Olsondogg
I know that people go where other people people go...

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:07 am
by Longhorned
merkin wrote:
Dosia wrote:the other site
It does, but in another post LH modified it slightly to refer to "The Old Site".
I didn't mean to, but that fits.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:14 am
As long as the current admin runs TOS I'm staying here. You should all do the same

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:17 am
by KaibabKat
For some of us really old farts it would seem almost criminal to lose "The official Old School AZ basketball thread" at the old site. There is more Wildcat history in that one thread than any other single place on the internet.

Does anyone know of a way to migrate that thread or at least preserve it someplace else? How does the WayBack Machine work?

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:19 am
by Longhorned
The WayBack Machine won't work for migrating data from the discussion boards. Thinking of something.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:26 am
by Merkin
I tried on the Old School thread and it didn't work other, although it did pick up LH's avatar.

Here is something on soundforge to leech threads off VB sites:

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:39 am
by CalStateTempe
Question I have is...who owns the content, for UGC?

Plainly speaking can GOAZCATS come after this site for taking threads that we created?

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:58 pm
by azcat49
I am not sure how anyone could come up with a compelling reason to the plusses of the old board as we know it. Maybe the fact it has some great old threads and the fact it was once the pre-eminent wildcat site on the net.

Hey but all sites must start somewhere and thsi is pretty exciting, building our own history.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:00 pm
by Longhorned
Yeah, starting to look like none of us can come up with a reason.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:20 pm
yeah because there are none. we can start our own history (besides we'll have a lot of the old threads on here that we can just keep contributing to again).

those that don't want to leave TOS like voltronx, hsp and kv wont' really be missed.

i just hope that some of the people that came here don't leave if storey puts the old vbulletin back on goazcats. i have a feeling some of the people that came here will get suckered in to going back. but i think if we keep updating this site and molding to how we like in the next couple weeks that we'll have a solid base and we can retain a good 2/3 of the top posters from TOS here permanently.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:25 pm
by CalStateTempe
lets tone down the rhetoric.

People can be free to do what they want. I liked the contributions of HSP and VoltronX.

I do share your same concerns about the StoreyLand

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:58 pm
by prh
ASUHATER! wrote:yeah because there are none. we can start our own history (besides we'll have a lot of the old threads on here that we can just keep contributing to again).

those that don't want to leave TOS like voltronx, hsp and kv wont' really be missed.

i just hope that some of the people that came here don't leave if storey puts the old vbulletin back on goazcats. i have a feeling some of the people that came here will get suckered in to going back. but i think if we keep updating this site and molding to how we like in the next couple weeks that we'll have a solid base and we can retain a good 2/3 of the top posters from TOS here permanently.
That is indeed what's going to happen over there, it was posted earlier today. I'll go where all the people go. The one thing I liked about vBulletin over phpBB is the front page link takes me to where I left off, instead of the most recent post. I never knew all the other efficient ways of reading, so if someone has a suggestion for phpBB, I'd love to hear it.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 2:07 pm
it's happening there as a sign of schizophrenic desperation by the admin. anyone that truly wants the real goazcats community to thrive, work for itself and control it's destiny, then they should absolutely stay here and say good riddance to storey and his dying site.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 2:58 pm
by Spaceman Spiff
The only other concerns I'd have here are name recognition for attracting new fans and good people splintering off. 97 Cats and Winger brought a lot of stuff and a full community transplant would make the biggest difference for me personally. If it's a full transplant, I have no attachment to goazcats domain name.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 3:02 pm
still work to be done, but it already feels like a good 85% transplant. been more involvement and discussion here than any time in the last 2 months on the old board. we just have to keep at it and mold things how we want and potentially use the advertising ideas and community donations to get the word out there. even if this place doesn't blow up and become some 5000 user massive arizona site...who cares? is it so bad if it's just the 100-200 more dedicated people from goazcats doing things how they want and discussing arizona sports and life how they want? that would be worth it to me personally.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 3:15 pm
by Spaceman Spiff
My thing is, if it's a less accessible site with fewer people, that inevitably draws down to zero. Less traffic makes people seek more traffic, then you have a snowball effect.

I miss some of the more knowledgeable posters BC that variety of opinions is what I liked. I don't have any pretenses about being in the know, but other people were. Having everyone contribute regardless of station was nice. I worry without that edge, you just get the declining community.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 3:19 pm
by KCF
Really hoping this forum takes off. Like everyone has said i enjoy reading the posts and insight of everyone and I could care less what the domain name is.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 3:21 pm
by etank34
Just as long as that little bitch killervibe doesn't come crying over here.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 3:28 pm
Spaceman Spiff wrote:My thing is, if it's a less accessible site with fewer people, that inevitably draws down to zero. Less traffic makes people seek more traffic, then you have a snowball effect.

I miss some of the more knowledgeable posters BC that variety of opinions is what I liked. I don't have any pretenses about being in the know, but other people were. Having everyone contribute regardless of station was nice. I worry without that edge, you just get the declining community.
outside of people like 97, we mostly have everyone that was contributing before at least registered here already. few stragglers i hope come in though

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 5:03 pm
by Alieberman
If TOS really cared about people leaving there and coming here why haven't they deleted any of my many posts / threads directing people over here?

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 5:24 pm
by KCF
Should we invite Basnight?

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 5:30 pm
by CalStateTempe
Katz raising hell on TOS at JimboStorey's post about reverting to 3.8.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 6:37 pm
by MacKiernan
It's pretty funny people giving the Goazcats admin a hard time about who he is. Lest we forget, part of the Arizona Athletics sanctions... ... b6076.html

In an email to the Weekly, UA Athletics media-relations director Tom Duddleston Jr. said, "Our compliance people evaluated papers which showed James F. Storey as the current owner of The dissociation from UA Athletics extends to enterprises he operates."

Paige latter added: "If information were ever provided to us showing Mr. Storey's renewed involvement, I'm certain we would disassociate again."

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 7:39 pm
by azcat34
Their explanation today was extremely curious timing and the "we couldn't post so that is why we hibernated for 2 weeks" excuse is total bullshit.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 8:07 pm
by gumby
We're right where we want to be.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 8:45 pm
by Katzenfreund

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:41 pm
by Chicat
I liked their explanation. The old "I run a website but only know one very distinct way to communicate to the people who use that website and it was like totally broken" excuse. They have an email address for every single member. Would it have been such a task to send one? I've gotten emails from them before, that's for fucking sure.

Mystery GoAZCats Overlord has been caught in lies so many times it's really not even funny. Why is it so hard to be honest with people? Although I guess the whole "you're a bunch of freeloaders and I hate you all" approach does contain a warped sort of honesty. At least he's honest about his feelings. :lol:

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:06 pm
by Katzenfreund

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:15 pm
by Chicat
"Honest... I ran out of gas. I... I had a flat tire. I didn't have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts! IT WASN'T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD!!!!"

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:31 pm
by EVCat
I am no regular or TOS superstar poster, but I would hate to see this community go back to Storeyland. I dislike the connection with much as people were pretty cool about just talking what they knew or heard, there would often enough be the "well, if you had premium, you would know" posts or people showing what they read in premium with wink/nod cryptic posts, and it is refreshing to just have a basketball-driven board with a solid community that doesn't have that hanging over the discussion. With basketball fanatics in a small community, premium content is generally known by enough people to not really be all that special or newsworthy. And the pay incentive drives some content providers (though the Arizona premium reporters have been much better than others) to live off of the "this is the scoop, but maybe isn't, so take this cool information that we reported but if it changes we told you it could and it probably will" post.

Then you have the aforementioned history of the site owner in relation to the program. And while I didn't participate enough to be the subject of the communications, that whole "free board posters are freeloaders" s**t was low rent. If pure profit motive is your drive, U of A internet message board probably isn't the best vehicle to make a killing. is a small community of hardcores who desire "inside information", and most of us have friends/acquaintances who are as well informed/placed as the internet reporters, or at least know someone through the message boards that knows someone, etc. The "premium" information provided is often already on the street in one form or another and certainly not worth the pay, with rare exceptions. The only motive I can see for premium is as a donation of sorts. When I see the owner of the board viewing a homegrown community of fans like TOS had as customers only, I don't think they are in the right business to begin with.

As long as the participants that made the goazcats board a community are here, who needs the name? The people make the board. would be nice to see some new threads :)

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 12:17 am
by Salty
I'm torn. I really am.

Over the years, I really enjoyed the GoAzCats community.

But the reason I joined GoAzCats in the first place was because I enjoyed the layout so much. vBulletin is really great in 3.8.5 and beats whatever forum this is.

Then there's the history over there...

And I never seemed to have a problem with the admin. While not necessarily supportive of the free boards, as long as we were free to do our own thing, I was fine with how the leadership acted. Contrast Storey with ACE, and you can see how things could be a lot worse. Plus, I feel bad for guys like Tracy McDonald, who is just trying to do his job and could lose it as a result of all that has happened.

But the discussions with Chi and 97 and SD86 and UAdevil and CST and Merk and GWH and Eebs and SHB... And how every personality was unique and complimented each other oh so well... Reading the content of GoAzCats was like eating the perfect hamburger... Where the meat (97) was complimented by the pickles (CST), and the lettuce (Chi) was just so fresh, which was the perfect contrast to the crispy bun (Merk), and the lovely, perky mustard and ketchup (Bug and BeachCat), which finally was washed down by a delicious and refreshing coke (SHB), only to be chased by a few delicious fries (JMJ).


Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:13 am
by 4Life
Chicat wrote:"Honest... I ran out of gas. I... I had a flat tire. I didn't have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts! IT WASN'T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD!!!!"
Lol. Next up ... we are putting the Board back together.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:03 am
by pokinmik
Salty wrote:But the reason I joined GoAzCats in the first place was because I enjoyed the layout so much. vBulletin is really great in 3.8.5 and beats whatever forum this is.
vB3.8.5 was solid. But this site is good too, I haven't experienced any issues and it couldn't be easier to post and navigate. Over here we are guaranteed to have a say in the layout scheme and the additional features added. This is all in the works but will take some time as the base grows and we vote on what's what. I'm pretty positive by the end of the summer the only thing we will ever miss from goazcats is the history. But that is life, people must move forward....this will be a good experience for all involved. I already like how this is going.

I wonder if Storey saw that most people emphatically mentioned staying over here and he just punted reverting back to 3.8.5? It is a graveyard over there btw.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:08 am
by Chicat
Salty wrote:But the discussions with Chi and 97 and SD86 and UAdevil and CST and Merk and GWH and Eebs and SHB... And how every personality was unique and complimented each other oh so well... Reading the content of GoAzCats was like eating the perfect hamburger... Where the meat (97) was complimented by the pickles (CST), and the lettuce (Chi) was just so fresh, which was the perfect contrast to the crispy bun (Merk), and the lovely, perky mustard and ketchup (Bug and BeachCat), which finally was washed down by a delicious and refreshing coke (SHB), only to be chased by a few delicious fries (JMJ).

Is that a weed reference?? :lol:

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:09 am
by azcat34
Salty wrote:I'm torn. I really am.

Over the years, I really enjoyed the GoAzCats community.

But the reason I joined GoAzCats in the first place was because I enjoyed the layout so much. vBulletin is really great in 3.8.5 and beats whatever forum this is.

Then there's the history over there...

And I never seemed to have a problem with the admin. While not necessarily supportive of the free boards, as long as we were free to do our own thing, I was fine with how the leadership acted. Contrast Storey with ACE, and you can see how things could be a lot worse. Plus, I feel bad for guys like Tracy McDonald, who is just trying to do his job and could lose it as a result of all that has happened.

But the discussions with Chi and 97 and SD86 and UAdevil and CST and Merk and GWH and Eebs and SHB... And how every personality was unique and complimented each other oh so well... Reading the content of GoAzCats was like eating the perfect hamburger... Where the meat (97) was complimented by the pickles (CST), and the lettuce (Chi) was just so fresh, which was the perfect contrast to the crispy bun (Merk), and the lovely, perky mustard and ketchup (Bug and BeachCat), which finally was washed down by a delicious and refreshing coke (SHB), only to be chased by a few delicious fries (JMJ).

Salty, this forum has been around for 48 hours. If it continues to have solid migration I am sure it will look much different before the first football game this fall.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:09 am
by phenom5
Salty wrote: But the reason I joined GoAzCats in the first place was because I enjoyed the layout so much. vBulletin is really great in 3.8.5 and beats whatever forum this is.
Salty, click on the phpBB in the little "powered by phpBB" down at the bottom of the page, and check out the mods available for php. This site is a very barebones build ATM, but there is plenty of features available.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:11 am
by CalStateTempe
Salty wrote:I'm torn. I really am.

Over the years, I really enjoyed the GoAzCats community.

But the reason I joined GoAzCats in the first place was because I enjoyed the layout so much. vBulletin is really great in 3.8.5 and beats whatever forum this is.

Then there's the history over there...

And I never seemed to have a problem with the admin. While not necessarily supportive of the free boards, as long as we were free to do our own thing, I was fine with how the leadership acted. Contrast Storey with ACE, and you can see how things could be a lot worse. Plus, I feel bad for guys like Tracy McDonald, who is just trying to do his job and could lose it as a result of all that has happened.

But the discussions with Chi and 97 and SD86 and UAdevil and CST and Merk and GWH and Eebs and SHB... And how every personality was unique and complimented each other oh so well... Reading the content of GoAzCats was like eating the perfect hamburger... Where the meat (97) was complimented by the pickles (CST), and the lettuce (Chi) was just so fresh, which was the perfect contrast to the crispy bun (Merk), and the lovely, perky mustard and ketchup (Bug and BeachCat), which finally was washed down by a delicious and refreshing coke (SHB), only to be chased by a few delicious fries (JMJ).

I like how Salty sees me as bitter and crunchy, with an occasional acerbic aftertaste, but tolerable in small doses and a valued part of the whole!

Lot of genius in this post.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:27 am
by wyo-cat
TOS hasnt reverted back, yet. Mystery Admin Overloard said it would be done yesterday - I'm shocked!

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:34 am
by CalStateTempe
Who termed Mystery Admin Overloard?
Was it intentional for the initials to be MAO?

:lol: I just got that... :lol: love it.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:37 am
by wyo-cat
It dovetails perfectly with Katz's shop.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:50 am
by Chicat
CalStateTempe wrote:Who termed Mystery Admin Overloard?
Was it intentional for the initials to be MAO?

:lol: I just got that... :lol: love it.
I called him Mystery GoAZCats Overlord yesterday. I like Wyo's better.

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:55 am
by Longhorned
I think it might be racist.

Hey, we could be!

Re: TOS Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:58 am
by wyo-cat
So I went over to TOS, just to see what was shaking and did a "new post" search....11 hours was on top. The migration has had a big impact on TOS.