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Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 2:49 pm
by splitsecond
Spaceman Spiff wrote:
splitsecond wrote:
97cats wrote:Parker Jackson-Cartwright on the loss to Buffalo:

“They punched us in the mouth from the beginning and even though we were down two at the half, it felt like we were down 15. They stole our pride from us today.”

i having nothing to say
A friend of mine, who is a little bit of a hot-head, but the kind that folds like a cheap lawn chair when any pressure is applied. He once ended up in Pinal County Jail because he didn't finish his community service for a reckless driving charge. He was full of excuses as to why, but eventually he got pulled over again and the judge made him serve a few days in lieu of community service.

Well, when he got in to the jail, he was immediately approached and asked for his lunch. He didn't eat the entire time he was in there, because once his lunch was stolen once, it was fair game.

When he was recounting this story to us, my friend who was a DPS officer at the time declared "you're a bitch, all you had to do was hit him with your damn tray and you would have been left alone. "

This line from PJC rings so much of my friend who bitched out in jail and lost his lunch because of it. We all saw the fight he has in Vegas, yet he decided to fold like a bitch and let a lesser opponent take his lunch.

Sad. ... sta-lyrics" target="_blank

I've always thought that song did a great job in identifying the difference between tough words and actual toughness.
spot on

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 2:54 pm
by Beachcat97
Took me nearly a day to process that game.

I’m ready to say the Miller era has run its course. I love the guy. He’s not a cheater, as many now believe thanks to one Mark Schlabach. He’s a good dude. Loves his players, treats them like sons. He’s been good for the program, imo.

But the expectation at AZ is a FF and ultimately a NC. We’re now just about a decade into the Miller era. It hasn’t happened, and we appear to be getting further away from this goal, not closer.

Miller should go to Pitt. He’ll be warmly welcomed there and can rebuild that program however he likes. It’s a good opportunity for him, and maybe the time is right.

As for us, my vote is for Miles or Damon. I know these two don’t have the kind of resume we’d most like to see, but fuck it. They understand the legacy and pride of this program. They will be committed to keeping this “proud tradition” healthy and productive. I want someone who understands that AZ hoops is a championship program. Someone who can sell young guys on being part of something special in Tucson.

Anyway, that’s my pedestrian two cents.

Last thing: props to Auburn fans. They were next to us at the bar in Venetian and rooted for AZ right up to the end. Classy, well-informed fans.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 3:09 pm
by azcat49
Tough year. Game was a microcosm of the season, no defense and no toughness then just get embarrassed with results vs expectations.

I am in Miller's camp and I hope he stays. I can't believe most people know the report was BS but kids being recruited can't. Get who we can and let's see what happens

Whatever is decided I do hope it is soon

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 3:54 pm
by CBCat
97cats wrote:he died with his PG - and took his form at the end too
I know you can’t but I’d sure love the long psychological explanation. Especially the last statement

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 4:05 pm
by CBCat
pokinmik wrote:Never thought I’d see the day Pitt went from zero chance to possibly/maybe/likely! Oh well

If it happens I’ll always cheer for him. We’ll never know the real story here and I never bag on kids but Trier def did coach no favors and that’s just me watching live and just in general. Sean Miller was a match made in heaven for AZ. Remember how absolutely soft we had been before he got here? What’s weird is these last two seasons remind me of those teams. Regression to the mean but why? Too much sunshine?

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 5:05 pm
by TheCat
Beachcat97 wrote: But the expectation at AZ is a FF and ultimately a NC. We’re now just about a decade into the Miller era. It hasn’t happened, and we appear to be getting further away from this goal, not closer.
Spoken like the true UCLA fan you are.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 8:55 pm
by AztoCa
AztoCa wrote:Decided to Look at Teams that made the final 4 since Miller joined UofA. Wanted to see how many basketball schools made it and which ones did not. And if making the final 4 is rare.

21 Final 4 participants since 2010

Kentucky (4 Trips) ( 1 Chip )
Michigan State ( 2 Trips )
North Carolina ( 2 Trips) ( 1 Chip )
Louisville (2 Trips) ( 1Chip )
UnConn (2 trips) ( 2 Chip )
Syracuse ( 2 Trips )
Villanova ( 1 Chip )
Duke ( 1 Chip )
Wisconsin ( 2 Trips)
West Virgina
Ohio St.
Wichita St.
South Carolina

Basket Ball Schools that didn't make final 4 during Millers time here
1. UofA ( had good chances didn't get it done )
2. UCLA ( came off 3 final 4's then howland went south. Now have "Steve 16" 2.0 --> LOL hopefully forever
3. Indiana ( inconsistent recruiting not a good enough coach )

Recruiting ranking since Miller joined
1. Kentucky
2. Duke
3. UofA ( near tie with Duke )
4. Kansas ( self only 1 final 4 during this time )
5. UNC

To me the problem is the Dick Bennett coaching philoshpy ( motion offense & packline defense ) Dick had only one Final 4. Not sure why you would copy a guys coaching philosophy when he has only one final 4? So far Tony Bennett hasn't made the final 4 yet with dad's system . Seems like a Mid-Major grind it out system.

I remeber laughing at other teams when they were passing around the perimeter like a highschool team and Lute was running a modern NBA style offense with players running the show.
This Virgina loss has me...

Bumping my Dick Bennett post from last year after our second consecutive loss to a 11 seed in the tourney
At least this year we lost to a 13 seed so we are trending up!

Motion offense and Packline for life! They Will Never see us coming!

“Creativity is for Gods not Grinders”

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 8:59 pm
by pokinmik
There is real weight to this now. Pretty much undeniable these aren’t great systems for the tourney. Need to be able to adapt more.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:05 pm
by dovecanyoncat
pokinmik wrote:There is real weight to this now. Pretty much undeniable these aren’t great systems for the tourney. Need to be able to adapt more.
If players need to be coached, shouldn't coaches need experience?

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:33 pm
by TatetheGreat
Great post, AztoCa. I think our loss and UVA's historic upset demonstrate the flaws of the motion offense and pack line defense. In this day and age, the EE is probably the ceiling for Miller's system regardless of personnel. We are too susceptible to the three point shot and smaller lineups.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:36 pm
by TheGreatCatsby
Let me throw this theory at there, could be wrong, but hear me out. Let's say you're a basketball coach, and you look at the college coaching marketplace and know there is big money in winning a lot of games for a school. You'll make many millions. So you devise a strategy to win a ton of regular season games so you maximize your career earnings as a coach.

What would success look like over the long grind of a season? A big dominant frontcourt to wear out teams, good defense, maybe packline, but your guards really aren't prolific in any way. But they get the job done. That gets you a ton of 27-7 years, a great winning %, some conference championships. From a business perspective it's a great decision because you make a ton of money, and the fans are happy because you win a lot of games for them. BUT, this style of play sucks in a one and done format like the ncaa tournament, where the teams that know they can use their guards to attack the lane for layups and do tons of easy kickout threes can beat any team on a given 1 game stand off.

So maybe that's what Miller and Bennett ball is really about, maximizing regular season potential. Maybe that style is fine, but you need to be Belichekian and realize the ncaa tourney is a completely different animal, and that yes you may have to adjust your style of play in the postseason to survive a crazy unique assault from a crazed upstart foe.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:36 pm
by AZarchery
I just made this


Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:47 pm
by TatetheGreat
Arizona basketball needs to go in a different direction ... bi-scandal

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 10:21 pm
by KillerKlown
TatetheGreat wrote:Arizona basketball needs to go in a different direction ... bi-scandal
Where was this a couple of weeks ago from the swarm when the ESPN report came out. Now it comes out after a loss. It's amazing to me some people still put faith in the ESPN report and almost every blog or news outlet continues to ignore the 247 report. Now it's also he need to go because he says the word mother fuckers? He has created a toxic locker room? Can't create a team? Don't know if Trier and himself actually believe the PED story? What a bunch of bullshit. If you're going to try to throw shit at the wall maybe you should actually try to hit the wall. Who wrote this shit, Greg the Plaque?

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 10:28 pm
by Dosia
TatetheGreat wrote:Arizona basketball needs to go in a different direction ... bi-scandal

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 10:51 pm
by KillerKlown
It really pisses me off when people bring up old shit that has already been settled just to try to put weight on their agenda or view point. How the the hell are you going to bring up the PED use when Trier has been cleared TWICE? End of story. But no...

" This is all without even mentioning the bizarre PED and Allonzo Trier story which has so many different versions I’m not even sure Trier and Miller themselves know which one is true anymore."

Then you pull 2016 out your ass and claim that team was "divided". Now I don't know, I'm sure others on this board do know a story or two, but the only thing I've seen or heard was the "team" minus Mason jr. Now it's no damn wonder why Miller doesn't let the media around the team much. Bunch of backstabbers.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 11:17 pm
by TatetheGreat
KillerKlown wrote:It really pisses me off when people bring up old shit that has already been settled just to try to put weight on their agenda or view point. How the the hell are you going to bring up the PED use when Trier has been cleared TWICE? End of story. But no...

" This is all without even mentioning the bizarre PED and Allonzo Trier story which has so many different versions I’m not even sure Trier and Miller themselves know which one is true anymore."

Then you pull 2016 out your ass and claim that team was "divided". Now I don't know, I'm sure others on this board do know a story or two, but the only thing I've seen or heard was the "team" minus Mason jr. Now it's no damn wonder why Miller doesn't let the media around the team much. Bunch of backstabbers.
I agree with you on all points, but what about the culture of non-compliance with Book, Miller's conversations with Dawkins, and the FBI complaint's transcripts in which Dawkins and Andy Miller discussed having open access to our practices? I'm not saying we should rush to judgment on the wiretap stuff, but there are a lot of reasons to consider moving on.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 11:18 pm
by CatFanOneMil
TatetheGreat wrote:Arizona basketball needs to go in a different direction ... bi-scandal
Fuck this shit...UMBC just beat the #1 seed in the tourney in the first fucking round...and not just a decent team the best team currently ranked...

Recruits don't matter, defense doesn't matter, seeding doesn't matter what matters is evolving and changing to adjust to whatever is happening...

There isn't a coach out there who can predict what will or will not work.

But lets put it into the exact proper context...

A college basketball coach has one primary job that has several branches and that one job is to train/coach/equip a group of young men for next stage of their life by using the game of basketball...the branches may include winning as much as possible, handling their emotions, guiding them through difficulty, etc...

But these are fucking young men for crying out loud, 18 year olds...they cannot even legally buy beer.

Many of them recruited because of special physical abilities, given scholarships at a major university and offered the thing they need most in life right now, an education.

Millers job is to educate, plain and simple.

We want it to be about wins, and a final four, but in the grand scheme of things he is basically an educator glorified in a particular sport.

All this other shit about needing to change and shake things up or whatever the fuck we think it is about is avoiding the real issue here, these young guys have come to be educated...our tax dollars pay for them to sit in classes most of the year and then get on a basketball court for a few months...

If you want to make it about winning and final fours and whatever else the fuck you want to throw in there you are ignoring the greater truth, they play a sport at a taxpayer funded university.

That is fucking all this is...and as far as that goes Miller is exceptional, considering that in the last 9 years he has produced people like Kadeem Allen, helped Kyle Fogg, fought for TJ McConnell, made a man out of Dusan Ristic, stood 100% behind PJC, gone to bat and defended Trier, and on and on...

Sure we've had a couple of bone headed players but by far the greatest success Sean Miller has had is he has produced quality men out of prima donna sports boys.

As long as he keeps doing that, he's got my vote and any other argument is your own selfish interest and not the players, which is what this program is all about.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 11:35 pm
by CBCat
I rather make FInal Fours than win the PAC 12. I want those highest of goals ya know, like we use to have at AZ?

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 11:39 pm
by Postmaster
The only thing that bothers me here is the reports that agents and runners were allowed around McKale

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 11:52 pm
by CatFanOneMil
Postmaster wrote:The only thing that bothers me here is the reports that agents and runners were allowed around McKale
As far as "reports" we've already seen what jumping to conclusions can get you...if you want an excuse to feel insecure about the coach or program then any excuse will for me, I am no fanboy, I am a realist...until I see hard facts that things were out of alignment and truth was not displayed I cannot go on ANYTHING that functions as news or rumor or whatever...

I am done up to my eyeballs with being outraged and emotive over every little thing reported...its become an addiction in our culture and it is not healthy.

Wisdom waits for truth to show up, even if its a long wait.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 12:11 am
by TatetheGreat
CatFanOneMil wrote:
Postmaster wrote:The only thing that bothers me here is the reports that agents and runners were allowed around McKale
As far as "reports" we've already seen what jumping to conclusions can get you...if you want an excuse to feel insecure about the coach or program then any excuse will for me, I am no fanboy, I am a realist...until I see hard facts that things were out of alignment and truth was not displayed I cannot go on ANYTHING that functions as news or rumor or whatever...

I am done up to my eyeballs with being outraged and emotive over every little thing reported...its become an addiction in our culture and it is not healthy.

Wisdom waits for truth to show up, even if its a long wait.
Forget the ESPN report. Miller admitted to conversations with Dawkins and we know Book met with Dawkins in Vegas. Short of the audio and visual proof of ASM people meeting with players and coaches and dropping bags in McKale, there is enough circumstantial evidence to warrant skepticism of Miller's future here.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 1:43 am
by PennZona20
The only reason i kind of want Miller and Arizona to move on from each other is if he stays i don’t see how he can recruit effectively anymore w the stain of this bullshit report on every 18 year old and their families minds.

I’m not saying it’s fair, I’m just looking st the reality of my school’s ability to compete at the highest level going forward. The fan base will keep Arizona a destination school for kids no matter who is coach. I just want the fastest route forward for UA to be competing for FFs again, whatever that may be.

I will always love and root for Miller but i am no longer sure he is the guy to do it.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 3:28 am
by WildHolcs
Beachcat97 wrote:Took me nearly a day to process that game.

I’m ready to say the Miller era has run its course. I love the guy. He’s not a cheater, as many now believe thanks to one Mark Schlabach. He’s a good dude. Loves his players, treats them like sons. He’s been good for the program, imo.

But the expectation at AZ is a FF and ultimately a NC. We’re now just about a decade into the Miller era. It hasn’t happened, and we appear to be getting further away from this goal, not closer.

Miller should go to Pitt. He’ll be warmly welcomed there and can rebuild that program however he likes. It’s a good opportunity for him, and maybe the time is right.

As for us, my vote is for Miles or Damon. I know these two don’t have the kind of resume we’d most like to see, but fuck it. They understand the legacy and pride of this program. They will be committed to keeping this “proud tradition” healthy and productive. I want someone who understands that AZ hoops is a championship program. Someone who can sell young guys on being part of something special in Tucson.

Anyway, that’s my pedestrian two cents.

Last thing: props to Auburn fans. They were next to us at the bar in Venetian and rooted for AZ right up to the end. Classy, well-informed fans.
As someone who values some of your posts I completely disagree. So soon that people forget that Miller had two elite 8 teams within a single shot of going to the final 4. A...Single...F'ing...Shot. That's basketball for you. That's sometimes things bounce your way, and sometimes they don't. For us and Miller, it didn't. I'm not forgetting that because of a year that put us all on edge, and I can only imagine the edge that was put on Miller or the players. The more I have time to process the loss the more I think he needs to stay. At least for now. And I think he will. After the hard declarations by Miller and the University supporting him, unless Miller just needs a break himself, I think he's our coach. I'm happy to have him. With a different group going forward there's no reason to think he can't get there. I respect everyones opinion and this is just mine...but I love all bros who are passionate about Arizona basketball and hope everyone bears down and has a good off-season. I'm down for more Miller. It wasn't the right team for him but I still believe in him...and when I hear the former players talk about him, I believe in him more. UA bball going forward I think needs Miller.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 7:34 am
by MrMeow
CatFanOneMil wrote:
TatetheGreat wrote:Arizona basketball needs to go in a different direction ... bi-scandal
Fuck this shit...UMBC just beat the #1 seed in the tourney in the first fucking round...and not just a decent team the best team currently ranked...

Recruits don't matter, defense doesn't matter, seeding doesn't matter what matters is evolving and changing to adjust to whatever is happening...

There isn't a coach out there who can predict what will or will not work.

But lets put it into the exact proper context...

A college basketball coach has one primary job that has several branches and that one job is to train/coach/equip a group of young men for next stage of their life by using the game of basketball...the branches may include winning as much as possible, handling their emotions, guiding them through difficulty, etc...

But these are fucking young men for crying out loud, 18 year olds...they cannot even legally buy beer.

Many of them recruited because of special physical abilities, given scholarships at a major university and offered the thing they need most in life right now, an education.

Millers job is to educate, plain and simple.

We want it to be about wins, and a final four, but in the grand scheme of things he is basically an educator glorified in a particular sport.

All this other shit about needing to change and shake things up or whatever the fuck we think it is about is avoiding the real issue here, these young guys have come to be educated...our tax dollars pay for them to sit in classes most of the year and then get on a basketball court for a few months...

If you want to make it about winning and final fours and whatever else the fuck you want to throw in there you are ignoring the greater truth, they play a sport at a taxpayer funded university.

That is fucking all this is...and as far as that goes Miller is exceptional, considering that in the last 9 years he has produced people like Kadeem Allen, helped Kyle Fogg, fought for TJ McConnell, made a man out of Dusan Ristic, stood 100% behind PJC, gone to bat and defended Trier, and on and on...

Sure we've had a couple of bone headed players but by far the greatest success Sean Miller has had is he has produced quality men out of prima donna sports boys.

As long as he keeps doing that, he's got my vote and any other argument is your own selfish interest and not the players, which is what this program is all about.
Spot on.

As I have expressed before on this board, college revenue sports have gotten out of hand. Mega stadiums, mega pay for coaches, fans who place more importance on how their team does than on the primary purpose of the school - to educate. Stupid! The Ivy League, and a few other select schools, somehow have retained perspective.

Fuck the NCAA, and for a lot more reasons than appear on the surface. Don't get me started on that.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 7:39 am
by ChooChooCat
PennZona20 wrote:The only reason i kind of want Miller and Arizona to move on from each other is if he stays i don’t see how he can recruit effectively anymore w the stain of this bullshit report on every 18 year old and their families minds.

I’m not saying it’s fair, I’m just looking st the reality of my school’s ability to compete at the highest level going forward. The fan base will keep Arizona a destination school for kids no matter who is coach. I just want the fastest route forward for UA to be competing for FFs again, whatever that may be.

I will always love and root for Miller but i am no longer sure he is the guy to do it.

Ultimately if you keep Sean Miller you have to be willing to believe that 1. He can somehow fix recruiting regardless of the fact that his one chance to build his reputation and make every one forget about the ESPN story was to win big in this tournament and instead just got curbstomped by a 13 seed in the 1st round & 2. Believe he can attract and hire two assistants that can make up for his dying reputation on the recruiting trail.

Sorry, but it's hard for me to believe that either will occur. Good luck Robbins and Heeke.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 8:07 am
by Olsondogg
ChooChooCat wrote:
PennZona20 wrote:The only reason i kind of want Miller and Arizona to move on from each other is if he stays i don’t see how he can recruit effectively anymore w the stain of this bullshit report on every 18 year old and their families minds.

I’m not saying it’s fair, I’m just looking st the reality of my school’s ability to compete at the highest level going forward. The fan base will keep Arizona a destination school for kids no matter who is coach. I just want the fastest route forward for UA to be competing for FFs again, whatever that may be.

I will always love and root for Miller but i am no longer sure he is the guy to do it.

Ultimately if you keep Sean Miller you have to be willing to believe that 1. He can somehow fix recruiting regardless of the fact that his one chance to build his reputation and make every one forget about the ESPN story was to win big in this tournament and instead just got curbstomped by a 13 seed in the 1st round & 2. Believe he can attract and hire two assistants that can make up for his dying reputation on the recruiting trail.

Sorry, but it's hard for me to believe that either will occur. Good luck Robbins and Heeke.
Good points.

I will add this, in regards to reputation and recruiting and the cloud of doom over the program: I’ve read and heard snippets for months about a giant bomb ticking for several programs out there. Do you let go of a proven, known coach to bring in someone else with that tick tick tick?

Does it ever detonate?

Does it start to AFTER next season?

Can arizona wait? Does Miller?

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 8:21 am
by ChooChooCat
Olsondogg wrote:
ChooChooCat wrote:
PennZona20 wrote:The only reason i kind of want Miller and Arizona to move on from each other is if he stays i don’t see how he can recruit effectively anymore w the stain of this bullshit report on every 18 year old and their families minds.

I’m not saying it’s fair, I’m just looking st the reality of my school’s ability to compete at the highest level going forward. The fan base will keep Arizona a destination school for kids no matter who is coach. I just want the fastest route forward for UA to be competing for FFs again, whatever that may be.

I will always love and root for Miller but i am no longer sure he is the guy to do it.

Ultimately if you keep Sean Miller you have to be willing to believe that 1. He can somehow fix recruiting regardless of the fact that his one chance to build his reputation and make every one forget about the ESPN story was to win big in this tournament and instead just got curbstomped by a 13 seed in the 1st round & 2. Believe he can attract and hire two assistants that can make up for his dying reputation on the recruiting trail.

Sorry, but it's hard for me to believe that either will occur. Good luck Robbins and Heeke.
Good points.

I will add this, in regards to reputation and recruiting and the cloud of doom over the program: I’ve read and heard snippets for months about a giant bomb ticking for several programs out there. Do you let go of a proven, known coach to bring in someone else with that tick tick tick?

Does it ever detonate?

Does it start to AFTER next season?

Can arizona wait? Does Miller?
I agree it's tough, with this current landscape it's hard to point to any coach who is currently working in college and say that's the guy and there's no way he will be implicated in any thing. It's also hard to sit around and hope for the best too. We're in a real shitty position no matter how you slice it.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 8:29 am
by azgreg
Whatever Miller/Robbins/Heeke decide to do I hope they decide quickly.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 8:33 am
by ChooChooCat
azgreg wrote:Whatever Miller/Robbins/Heeke decide to do I hope they decide quickly.
It sounds like they're sticking with Miller. Damned if you do damned if you don't, especially with the high buyout.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 8:40 am
by Dosia
I think we will be fine IF Miller can learn to adjust his philosophies. If he continues to be stubborn he will never make the final four. If he is truly willing to change his philosophy (especially defensive) I believe he will continue to recruit just fine.

The truth is we aren't getting a good coach anyways in the short term so let's see where Miller has us in a few years.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 8:48 am
by ChooChooCat
Dosia wrote:I think we will be fine IF Miller can learn to adjust his philosophies. If he continues to be stubborn he will never make the final four. If he is truly willing to change his philosophy (especially defensive) I believe he will continue to recruit just fine.

The truth is we aren't getting a good coach anyways in the short term so let's see where Miller has us in a few years.
He won't.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 9:58 am
by phenom5
Maybe Sean Miller is the best bridge coach we can get. If you believe it's the next coach after the next coach that's the truly important hire, maybe this iteration of Sean Miller is the bridge between the two. Miller comes back and rights the ship for a few years, and then can move along with the program back in decent shape instead of moving on now and leaving the next coach with barely a roster to roll out.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 10:05 am
by U.P. Zona Fan
I don't know, pack line is fine with guys who play tough defense, long athletic wings like AG, RHJ... They just need to be able to space the floor on the offensive end, like LM, DR, DA.... if we could just get a team of guys that plays both sides well. Seems like we've been pretty one dimensional lately O or D. And we need a pipeline of TJMclones. And then again I don't know anything so, let the genetic engineering begin. My point is, you have to be able to score, you have to defend, you need players that can do both, and it helps if they stick around for a few years.

Virginia was very disciplined, but so we're the British and the Germans and the Japanese.

Best team would be
TJ/salim hybrid

That team of hybrids would make some noise.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 10:19 am
by IrishAzCat

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 11:20 am
by enfuego
Those wanting Miller back are out of touch with reality. He is absolutely tainted. It's been discussed here already. Even if he knew nothing about Richardson was doing, he's the head coach and he's responsible.

Fire Miller and go after a young coach like Danny Hurley or Eric Musselman at Nevada. Both play a style of basketball that Arizona fans will like and are active recruiters and with the Arizona brand behind them can recruit better players than they have now. You make the right hire and your remaining 6 players won't jump ship. Your punishment is minimized by the NCAA because you cleaned house. You're competitive again in the 2019-2020 season.


Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 11:42 am
enfuego wrote:Those wanting Miller back are out of touch with reality. He is absolutely tainted. It's been discussed here already. Even if he knew nothing about Richardson was doing, he's the head coach and he's responsible.

Fire Miller and go after a young coach like Danny Hurley or Eric Musselman at Nevada. Both play a style of basketball that Arizona fans will like and are active recruiters and with the Arizona brand behind them can recruit better players than they have now. You make the right hire and your remaining 6 players won't jump ship. Your punishment is minimized by the NCAA because you cleaned house. You're competitive again in the 2019-2020 season.

Eric Musselman is 53 :lol: That said, he is a good coach and I don't diasagree with a lot of what you wrote. Love Miller, but I'm torn on what's best for the program.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 11:47 am
by enfuego
enfuego wrote:Those wanting Miller back are out of touch with reality. He is absolutely tainted. It's been discussed here already. Even if he knew nothing about Richardson was doing, he's the head coach and he's responsible.

Fire Miller and go after a young coach like Danny Hurley or Eric Musselman at Nevada. Both play a style of basketball that Arizona fans will like and are active recruiters and with the Arizona brand behind them can recruit better players than they have now. You make the right hire and your remaining 6 players won't jump ship. Your punishment is minimized by the NCAA because you cleaned house. You're competitive again in the 2019-2020 season.

Eric Musselman is 53 :lol: That said, he is a good coach and I don't diasagree with a lot of what you wrote. Love Miller, but I'm torn on what's best for the program.
That's young. He could coach for another 20 years.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 12:37 pm
by MrBug708
Might as well punt on next year, reorganize, and do what *gulp* enfuego said. Besides, making it easier for Alford means DG probably punts on a coaching change again. So I'd imagine that's as big of a win as can be.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 1:10 pm
by CatFanOneMil
enfuego wrote:Those wanting Miller back are out of touch with reality. He is absolutely tainted. It's been discussed here already. Even if he knew nothing about Richardson was doing, he's the head coach and he's responsible.

Fire Miller and go after a young coach like Danny Hurley or Eric Musselman at Nevada. Both play a style of basketball that Arizona fans will like and are active recruiters and with the Arizona brand behind them can recruit better players than they have now. You make the right hire and your remaining 6 players won't jump ship. Your punishment is minimized by the NCAA because you cleaned house. You're competitive again in the 2019-2020 season.


What cause can you fire Miller for?

Top of Conference 2 years running, TOP recruits in nation, NBA #1 recruit waiting to get his name called, obviously blindsided by Book.

You are full of crap sir.

No way any AD or school with adequate adults running the ship fire Miller at this point.

Besides the community loves Miller it's just the media that doesn't.

Nice try GregHansen, now go away.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 1:19 pm
by azcat49
Next year is going to be fun when Miller shows a lot of people his demise was very premature.

He gets the UCONN decommitt and a couple of other 4 year guys and a couple of grad transfers and we fight our way into the tournament

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 1:54 pm
by enfuego
CatFanOneMil wrote:
enfuego wrote:Those wanting Miller back are out of touch with reality. He is absolutely tainted. It's been discussed here already. Even if he knew nothing about Richardson was doing, he's the head coach and he's responsible.

Fire Miller and go after a young coach like Danny Hurley or Eric Musselman at Nevada. Both play a style of basketball that Arizona fans will like and are active recruiters and with the Arizona brand behind them can recruit better players than they have now. You make the right hire and your remaining 6 players won't jump ship. Your punishment is minimized by the NCAA because you cleaned house. You're competitive again in the 2019-2020 season.


What cause can you fire Miller for?

Top of Conference 2 years running, TOP recruits in nation, NBA #1 recruit waiting to get his name called, obviously blindsided by Book.

You are full of crap sir.

No way any AD or school with adequate adults running the ship fire Miller at this point.

Besides the community loves Miller it's just the media that doesn't.

Nice try GregHansen, now go away.
Blindsided? Sure. That's why these agents had the keys to the practice facilities and could come and go as they pleased. Certainly Miller lets everyone do that so he didn't notice.

You would be a bigger man if you just simply state "I do not care if Arizona cheats and is perceived as a dirty program". You must be a great role model to your kids.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 1:58 pm
by ByJoveByJingle
enfuego wrote:
CatFanOneMil wrote:
enfuego wrote:Those wanting Miller back are out of touch with reality. He is absolutely tainted. It's been discussed here already. Even if he knew nothing about Richardson was doing, he's the head coach and he's responsible.

Fire Miller and go after a young coach like Danny Hurley or Eric Musselman at Nevada. Both play a style of basketball that Arizona fans will like and are active recruiters and with the Arizona brand behind them can recruit better players than they have now. You make the right hire and your remaining 6 players won't jump ship. Your punishment is minimized by the NCAA because you cleaned house. You're competitive again in the 2019-2020 season.


What cause can you fire Miller for?

Top of Conference 2 years running, TOP recruits in nation, NBA #1 recruit waiting to get his name called, obviously blindsided by Book.

You are full of crap sir.

No way any AD or school with adequate adults running the ship fire Miller at this point.

Besides the community loves Miller it's just the media that doesn't.

Nice try GregHansen, now go away.
Blindsided? Sure. That's why these agents had the keys to the practice facilities and could come and go as they pleased. Certainly Miller lets everyone do that so he didn't notice.

You would be a bigger man if you just simply state "I do not care if Arizona cheats and is perceived as a dirty program". You must be a great role model to your kids.
Just so long as you admit the same about Kansas. You can’t seriously be attempting to take the moral high ground? No, you’re not. You realize that Kansas has paid players or creatively allowed them to be paid, I guess is the more accurate depiction of life running with the big boys. You’re simply stating that we should all own up to the fundamentally corrupt condition of amateurism in big time college sports. Which is something we can all agree with.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 2:00 pm
enfuego wrote:
CatFanOneMil wrote:
enfuego wrote:Those wanting Miller back are out of touch with reality. He is absolutely tainted. It's been discussed here already. Even if he knew nothing about Richardson was doing, he's the head coach and he's responsible.

Fire Miller and go after a young coach like Danny Hurley or Eric Musselman at Nevada. Both play a style of basketball that Arizona fans will like and are active recruiters and with the Arizona brand behind them can recruit better players than they have now. You make the right hire and your remaining 6 players won't jump ship. Your punishment is minimized by the NCAA because you cleaned house. You're competitive again in the 2019-2020 season.


What cause can you fire Miller for?

Top of Conference 2 years running, TOP recruits in nation, NBA #1 recruit waiting to get his name called, obviously blindsided by Book.

You are full of crap sir.

No way any AD or school with adequate adults running the ship fire Miller at this point.

Besides the community loves Miller it's just the media that doesn't.

Nice try GregHansen, now go away.
Blindsided? Sure. That's why these agents had the keys to the practice facilities and could come and go as they pleased. Certainly Miller lets everyone do that so he didn't notice.

You would be a bigger man if you just simply state "I do not care if Arizona cheats and is perceived as a dirty program". You must be a great role model to your kids.
Dude, Kansas cheats as much as anyone since well... everyone pays players and cheats.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 2:05 pm
by OSUCat
Does Buffalo pay players? Or UMBC? :)

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 2:05 pm
by OSUCat
So, is Miller staying or leaving?

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 2:06 pm
by enfuego
ASUHATER! wrote:
enfuego wrote:
CatFanOneMil wrote:
enfuego wrote:Those wanting Miller back are out of touch with reality. He is absolutely tainted. It's been discussed here already. Even if he knew nothing about Richardson was doing, he's the head coach and he's responsible.

Fire Miller and go after a young coach like Danny Hurley or Eric Musselman at Nevada. Both play a style of basketball that Arizona fans will like and are active recruiters and with the Arizona brand behind them can recruit better players than they have now. You make the right hire and your remaining 6 players won't jump ship. Your punishment is minimized by the NCAA because you cleaned house. You're competitive again in the 2019-2020 season.


What cause can you fire Miller for?

Top of Conference 2 years running, TOP recruits in nation, NBA #1 recruit waiting to get his name called, obviously blindsided by Book.

You are full of crap sir.

No way any AD or school with adequate adults running the ship fire Miller at this point.

Besides the community loves Miller it's just the media that doesn't.

Nice try GregHansen, now go away.
Blindsided? Sure. That's why these agents had the keys to the practice facilities and could come and go as they pleased. Certainly Miller lets everyone do that so he didn't notice.

You would be a bigger man if you just simply state "I do not care if Arizona cheats and is perceived as a dirty program". You must be a great role model to your kids.
Dude, Kansas cheats as much as anyone since well... everyone pays players and cheats.
That may be true. That would presume that Arizona out bid Kansas for Ayton, since no one was recruiting Ayton except Kansas. The issue is you got caught we did not.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 2:14 pm
by azcat49
Given the exact same circumstance, would KU fire Self? I don't think they would when they knew the info was bogus and they owed him 10m

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 2:17 pm
by Newportcat
azcat49 wrote:Given the exact same circumstance, would KU fire Self? I don't think they would when they knew the info was bogus and they owed him 10m
To be fair Self is a much better coach then Miller. Won them a national championship. Yes had flameouts but also taken Kansas to the promised land. Much like Lute did for us.

If same thing happened to Lute with say rosborough getting arrested, zero chance we fire him

Miller does not have the same equity at Arizona in my opinion given no final fours or ncaa championships

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 2:17 pm
OSUCat wrote:Does Buffalo pay players? Or UMBC? :)
Probably yes, in some way. Not 100k but I wouldn't doubt it for a second.