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OT - Louisvill Self-imposes post-season ban

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 11:58 am
by pc in NM
The Louisville AD just announced that due to unspecified infractions in the BB program that it would not participate in this season's ACC or NCAA Tourneys....

Re: OT - Louisvill Self-imposes post-season ban

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 12:08 pm
by Spaceman Spiff
Did the press conference last longer than 15 seconds?

Re: OT - Louisvill Self-imposes post-season ban

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 12:10 pm
by CalStateTempe
BA dum Ching!

Re: OT - Louisvill Self-imposes post-season ban

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 12:17 pm
by Spaceman Spiff
Seriously, though, first, this sucks for Lee. Next, doing this the Friday before the Super Bowl, it must be bad.

Re: OT - Louisvill Self-imposes post-season ban

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 12:25 pm
by rgdeuce
They trying to be preemptive here so it will all go away/NCAA doesn't want to kill off one of their biggest cash cows? For the hookers/strippers, one postseason ban is EXTREMELY light. Death penalty may be appropriate for something like that.

Re: OT - Louisvill Self-imposes post-season ban

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 2:10 pm
by Jefe
Didnt know they got 2 grad transfers, wow

Re: OT - Louisvill Self-imposes post-season ban

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 3:13 pm
by SCCats
Self imposed one year is :lol:

That said the NCAA might just want to accept it if recent past is predictive. First it will take four years for the NCAA to conclude it's investigation, during which the NCAA will have had to investigate and fire it's own representative investigating Louisville for "improprieties" and then, when the punishment comes down four years from now (see: a two year reduction of a single scholarship. Everyone's response: "WTF????"), Louisville will threaten to sue and the NCAA will back off it's punishment and settle for a $5000 donation to a woman's shelter.

Re: OT - Louisvill Self-imposes post-season ban

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 3:19 pm
by rgdeuce
Someone here had the scoop on why Lee went from coming to Arizona to ending up at Louisville but never revealed why. Anyone know? Absolutely sucks for him and anyone else there who at least didn't get some stripper action before they made their decision to go there.

Re: OT - Louisvill Self-imposes post-season ban

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 4:11 pm
by Dave
These self-imposed post-season ban's are a complete joke. I thought these Universities were all about the student athletes. The reality is they are worried about losing all of their recruits for next year.

Re: OT - Louisvill Self-imposes post-season ban

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 4:20 pm
by SCCats
Dave wrote:These self-imposed post-season ban's are a complete joke. I thought these Universities were all about the student athletes. The reality is they are worried about losing all of their recruits for next year.
You're absolutely correct. Getting theoretical underage prostitutes for underage recruits should be an instantaneous firing situation if proven and Louisville is basically admitting it occurred.

But there is no morality in college sports anymore. Now I'm not sure if there really ever was that type of morality, but at least there used to be some level of embarrassment where certain actions were just too far beyond the pale to be tolerated. Now it's clear the only thing that matters is keeping the success rolling, keeping the team winning today and tomorrow and keeping the dollars flowing. Full stop.

Re: OT - Louisvill Self-imposes post-season ban

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 5:28 pm
by Spaceman Spiff
Dave wrote:These self-imposed post-season ban's are a complete joke. I thought these Universities were all about the student athletes. The reality is they are worried about losing all of their recruits for next year.
This is it. They're screwing the current players to try to be able to tell recruits sanctions are over.

Lee, I really feel bad for him. He transfers for this year and then gets hosed by something completely beyond his control. I'm starting to really intensely dislike Pitino.

Re: OT - Louisvill Self-imposes post-season ban

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 6:22 pm
by Chicat
I think the NCAA should sue to force them to participate and then shove a microscope up their ass, find all the dirt they can, and punish those responsible next year.

Re: OT - Louisvill Self-imposes post-season ban

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 7:13 pm
by rgdeuce
The whole thing is un effing real. This is worse than point shaving. I mean, how is this not the story of the decade in college sports?

Re: OT - Louisvill Self-imposes post-season ban

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 7:12 pm
by Chicat

Re: OT - Louisvill Self-imposes post-season ban

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 9:05 pm
by catgrad97
Y'know, it's still been less than 10 years since the NCAA said it wasn't enough that Arizona self-reported Lute illegally giving recruits pizza.

I will not be surprised at all if the NCAA goes full hypocrite here. Nobody has ever called the infractions committee on its selective basketball punishments--certainly not compared to football--but we should all be prepared to this time, because the NCAA really wants Tom Jurich to keep his job.

Re: OT - Louisvill Self-imposes post-season ban

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 10:03 am
by Spaceman Spiff
Chicat wrote:
I don't see anything gross about big butts.

Re: OT - Louisvill Self-imposes post-season ban

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 9:28 am
by UAdevil
I think the 'filthy' request was for "girls that can squirt to the ceiling" ;-)

Re: OT - Louisvill Self-imposes post-season ban

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 9:42 am
by SCCats
catgrad97 wrote:Y'know, it's still been less than 10 years since the NCAA said it wasn't enough that Arizona self-reported Lute illegally giving recruits pizza.

I will not be surprised at all if the NCAA goes full hypocrite here. Nobody has ever called the infractions committee on its selective basketball punishments--certainly not compared to football--but we should all be prepared to this time, because the NCAA really wants Tom Jurich to keep his job.
I think that, in the last ten years, you've had a complete breakdown in the "NCAA" so I'm not sure you should expect any consistency (or really anything at all) from them.

But "complete breakdown" I mean a couple separate things. First I think (for many reasons) that the NCAA no longer has any moral authority whatsoever. Second there seems to have been a breakdown of the actual enforcement apparatus (like the system of people that they actually have working on these things). Thirdly, the P5 has basically told them to F off so besides the lack of moral authority, it's not clear they have much actual authority left. Fourth we've seen instances more recently where the NCAA has tried to levy a penalty, the school has threatened to sue and the NCAA has largely backed off from their penalty.

So at this point I'm not really sure "the NCAA" isn't just vapors in our collective memory as opposed to an active, functioning thing.

Re: OT - Louisvill Self-imposes post-season ban

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 1:32 pm
by Spaceman Spiff ... season-ban" target="_blank

This interview is either complete blame shifting or utter BS (really, this is as harsh a punishment as you can think of?). Sorry, but Pitino is sleazier by the day.

Re: OT - Louisvill Self-imposes post-season ban

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:29 pm
by rgdeuce
Disgusting. He must think everyone is retarded. Problem is, Louisville fans and the NCAA are. We all know how this ends. Still can't believe how this is going on so quietly, you almost have to be trying it to find any news on it.

Re: OT - Louisvill Self-imposes post-season ban

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:35 pm
by catgrad97
SCCats wrote:
catgrad97 wrote:Y'know, it's still been less than 10 years since the NCAA said it wasn't enough that Arizona self-reported Lute illegally giving recruits pizza.

I will not be surprised at all if the NCAA goes full hypocrite here. Nobody has ever called the infractions committee on its selective basketball punishments--certainly not compared to football--but we should all be prepared to this time, because the NCAA really wants Tom Jurich to keep his job.
I think that, in the last ten years, you've had a complete breakdown in the "NCAA" so I'm not sure you should expect any consistency (or really anything at all) from them.

But "complete breakdown" I mean a couple separate things. First I think (for many reasons) that the NCAA no longer has any moral authority whatsoever. Second there seems to have been a breakdown of the actual enforcement apparatus (like the system of people that they actually have working on these things). Thirdly, the P5 has basically told them to F off so besides the lack of moral authority, it's not clear they have much actual authority left. Fourth we've seen instances more recently where the NCAA has tried to levy a penalty, the school has threatened to sue and the NCAA has largely backed off from their penalty.

So at this point I'm not really sure "the NCAA" isn't just vapors in our collective memory as opposed to an active, functioning thing.
Kind of like the old CFA (College Football Association) in the 1980s?

Or the Confederacy to too many 'muricans now?

I can see that.